Superstars - Civic Center, Glen Falls, NY
MONSOON: "This is Wrestling Superstars, Welcome to the Glens Falls Civic Center in Glens Falls, New York. Hello Everyone I'm Gorilla Monsoon joined by Bobby the Brain Heenan. What a set of match ups we have for you this week, as we begin bracket two of the first round of the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament" 
WHC Tournament ep2
MONSOON: "Last week we saw the American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Ravishing Rick Rude, Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan all book their place in the Quarter Finals of the Tournament"

BRAIN: "Monsoon Everyone of those superstars earned their spot, apart from Hogan who cheated"

MONSOON: "Brain this week we see your pick to win this tournament the Million Dollar Man"
BRAIN: "Everyone has their eyes on Hogan winning but anyone who is smart knows that Ted Dibiase will have a plan to deal with Hogan"
wrestling superstars ep2 matchcard 3-4

MONSOON: "The Main Event we'll see the hometown hero Hacksaw Jim Duggan versus the eighth wonder of the world Andre the Giant and the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase versus high flying Jimmy Superfly Snuka"

BRAIN: "Oh Jimmy will fly Monsoon, but he'll be flying back to Fiji with his tail between his legs once Dibiase has finished with him"
wrestling superstars ep2 matchcard 1-2

MONSOON: "Before we get to that we have the most powerful tag team split as Akeem takes on Smash of Demolition but right now we're heading to ring side for our first contest his partner Ax is taking on the Big Boss Man"
MONSOON: "One half of Demolition, at nearly three hundred pounds he's a big guy Brain?"

BRAIN: "Sure, but he may of bitten off more than he can chew against the Boss Man, he's over three hundred pounds and stands at six foot six, he's gonna be my pick for this match"
MONSOON: "We're used to seeing Ax in tag team competition and can you imagine Brain if both Ax and Smash win their first round matches and meet each other in the Quarter Finals?

BRAIN: "Yes I can, but can you imagine Big Boss Man or Akeem facing someone like Andre? Monsoon we would need extra supports for the ring, who knows if the ring would be strong enough?"

MONSOON: "That's a great point Brain and here is the opponent for Ax..."
MONSOON: "the crowd has definitely responded here to the arrival of chief of law enforcement here in the WWF"
MONSOON: "Boss Man pointing at Ax, it looks like someone is going to serve some hard time"
MONSOON: "Boss Man acknowledges the New York crowd here..."
MONSOON: "oh lookout from behind, Ax not wasting any time here with pleasantries"
BRAIN: "That's what happens when you're not paying attention"
MONSOON: "Ax rams Boss Man's head into the turnbuckle"
MONSOON: "Ax with an Irish whip.."
MONSOON: "Boss Man off the ropes.."
MONSOON: "Clothesline on the Boss Man"
BRAIN: "Boy has Boss Man had a wake up call here"
MONSOON: "Ax throws Boss Man off the Ropes.."
MONSOON: "Boss Man catches him short with a right hand"
BRAIN: "Ax can't have too many of those mistakes otherwise Boss Man will put him away in the slammer"
MONSOON: "Boss Man follows up with an eye gouge"
BRAIN: "they do look kind of similar, maybe Boss Man had an eye-dentity crisis hahaa!"
MONSOON: "Irish whip by the Boss Man.."
MONSOON: "A big haymaker by the Boss Man finds its mark"
MONSOON: "he slams Ax's head hard into the turnbuckle"
MONSOON: "A hard right by Boss Man"
MONSOON: "Woah Ax with a show of power here, lifts up the Big Boss Man"
BRAIN: "Where's he going?"
MONSOON: "Ramming the Boss Man's back into the buckle"
MONSOON: "Ax throws the Boss Man out to the arena floor"
BRAIN: "Demolition know how to take you apart that's for sure"
MONSOON: "Ax follows him outside as the referee begins the count"
MONSOON: "oh ramming Boss Man's back into the side of the ring, Ax targeting the lower back"
BRAIN: "It's a smart move, it will make it harder for Boss Man to move in general or kick out"
MONSOON: "Ax throws him back inside"
MONSOON: "Ax now stomping away on Boss Man"
BRAIN: "It's not gone the way i thought it would, maybe Boss Man underestimated Ax"
MONSOON: "that would be very dangerous Brain"
MONSOON: "Ax with a cover now.. and a two count on the Boss Man"
MONSOON: "Wait, what's this?"
BRAIN: "Isn't it obvious? Akeem can see Boss Man needs some encouragement and he's come down to offer his vocal support Monsoon"
MONSOON: "I tell you now Brain, he's got no business being down here at ring side"
BRAIN: "He isn't breaking any rules Monsoon, Ax better focus on his opponent though"
MONSOON: "oh Ax turned around after being distracted and got his clock cleaned by a hard right from the Boss Man"
BRAIN: "You see, he took his eyes off the Big Boss Man"
MONSOON: "Boss Man throws Ax off the ropes"
MONSOON: "Oh look at that! Akeem just grabbed the legs of Ax and tripped him from the outside, what happened to just being vocal support Brain?"
BRAIN: "I don't know, my monitor went out, what happened?"
MONSOON: "Boss Man sends Ax off the ropes..."
MONSOON: "A huge back body drop by the Big Boss Man"
MONSOON: "Another Irish whip by Boss Man, Ax off the ropes.."
MONSOON: "Hard Time Slam by the Big Boss Man"
MONSOON: "Now a cover by the Boss Man"
MONSOON: "oh look now Akeem has got a hold of Ax's legs!, there's the three count and Boss Man pins Ax"
BRAIN: "Well for me Ax shouldn't of taken his eyes off Boss Man like that"
MONSOON: "Are you kidding me? the only reason Boss Man won is because Akeem got involved!"
BRAIN: "I told you my monitor went out"
MONSOON: "Boss Man advances to the quarter-finals in some what controversial fashion, not a convincing display in my book"
MONSOON: "Ax in the ring looking on, he looks disgusted and he has to feel hard done by here at this outcome we'll be right back after this short commercial"


MONSOON: "We've already seen this guy before Brain, one would have to imagine that Ax of Demolition would like to have one or two words with this guy Akeem"
BRAIN: "they should really be thanking him, at least now Demolition won't be fighting each other in the next round?"
MONSOON: "Akeem helping Big Boss Man in the first match up to victory, what if Akeem wins here Brain and goes on to fight Big Boss Man?"
BRAIN: "Now that would be a match up worth seeing Monsoon, but you have to think if Akeem gets in trouble here that Boss Man will come out and return the favor?"
MONSOON: "Here comes his opponent, Smash of Demolition and I don't see Ax with him so we're at least going to start this one cleanly"
BRAIN: "Smash is a soldier, I mean a warrior Monsoon, but i honestly cannot see him getting by Akeem, he's too big"
MONSOON: "Smash fired up here and a real opportunity to extract some revenge for his tag partner Ax"
BRAIN: "He can't allow that to cloud his thought's right now. What about his opportunity at World Heavyweight Championship Gold. Monsoon will Smash ever in his career get a better opportunity at the title?"
MONSOON: "Probably not Brain, here we go center of the Ring stare down"
BRAIN: "Look at the size of Akeem compared to Smash, I mean Smash is what six foot two and nearly three hundred pounds but he looks small in comparison"
MONSOON: "they lock up in the middle of the Ring"
MONSOON: "Akeem powers out and pushes Smash away"
MONSOON: "Akeem with an Irish whip.. Smash off the ropes"
MONSOON: "oh and a big clothesline by Akeem"
MONSOON: "Smash on the ropes, Akeem clubs him from behind"
MONSOON: "Akeem setting Smash up in the corner"
MONSOON: "oh Smash catches Akeem with a right"
MONSOON: "Smash follows up with a left, some offense"
BRAIN: "He's fighting back Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Oh and a big clubbing forearm by Akeem stops that momentum"
 MONSOON: "Akeem throws Smash into the corner and charges at him lookout!"
MONSOON: "Oh nobody home.. can smash take advantage of that error?"
BRAIN: "He has to keep moving Monsoon, he can't go toe to toe with a guy that size"
MONSOON: "Smash now on the second turnbuckle"
MONSOON: "he hits Akeem with an Ax Handle"
BRAIN: "he didn't go down though.."
MONSOON: "Smash off the ropes"
MONSOON: "hitting Akeem with a clothesline"
BRAIN: "he's still on his feet Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Akeem still wont go down"
MONSOON: "Smash again off the ropes!"
MONSOON: "Oh look at that, another thunderous clothesline stops Smash dead in his tracks"
BRAIN: "Any time Smash gets a head of steam Akeem just clubs the life out of him"
MONSOON: "Now Akeem just choking the life out of Smash on those ropes"
MONSOON: "oh look at this Brain! Ax has entered the arena and one can only assume he doesn't like his tag partners chances"
MONSOON: "Akeem spots him and tells him to stay back"
BRAIN: "It's going to be two one one Monsoon, that's not fair is it?"
MONSOON: "I suppose it was fair earlier when Akeem came down and interfered with Ax's match?"
MONSOON: "Akeem body slams Smash"
MONSOON: "Setting him up for the splash... Akeem off the ropes"
MONSOON: "No Ax just pulled the top rope down... referee checking on Smash didn't see it"
MONSOON: "Akeem goes three sixty and right to the outside"
BRAIN: "well he's down now isn't he?"
MONSOON: "the referee is stopping Smash from getting outside.. he's trying to restore some control and Smash now protesting.."
MONSOON: "With the referee distracted Ax seeks some immediate retribution, he just pushed Akeem into those steel steps"
BRAIN: "Boss Man needs to get out here and help him!"
MONSOON: "Now into the ring post, very little forgiveness there"
BRAIN: ''the referee now able to get control he's telling Ax to back off but the damage has already been done Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Ax rolls Akeem into the Ring"
MONSOON: "Smash goes to the second turnbuckle if he hits this Brain it could be over"
BRAIN: "Akeem looks out of it, where is the Big Boss Man?"
MONSOON: "Oh he nailed him"
BRAIN: "what an upset Monsoon"
MONSOON: "A cover by Smash.."
BRAIN: "I can't believe it!"
MONSOON: "One..Two..Three, Smash picks up the win"
MONSOON: "What an upset here, Demolition sought immediate revenge for the earlier attack and Ax helps his Partner through to the quarter finals"
BRAIN: "Where he will face Big Boss Man, now what happens if all four of them are at ring side? that will be chaos!"
MONSOON: "Most definitely Brain, Demolition send a message to everyone here that they aren't going to be cheated or pushed around here in the WWF! Now let's head over to the Interview area, where we have the Hometown Hero Hacksaw Jim Duggan and he's got a special message for Andre the Giant.."


MONSOON: "Here we go Brain, here is your pick the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase"

BRAIN: "Monsoon, I think Ted displays all the class needed to become the Champion, he's technically very good and even though he has to be weary of Snuka's high flying I am sure DiBiasie will keep him grounded"
MONSOON: "Absolutely I am looking forward to this one Brain as you said a complete contrast in styles"
BRAIN: "Exactly, Ted is smart where as Jimmy isn't, hahaa!"
BRAIN: "Look at that belt too Monsoon, Ted will need an assistant to help him with all his awards and belts.."

MONSOON: "Why don't you apply Brain?"

BRAIN: "Oh i would, but I'm needed here"
MONSOON: "Here comes Jimmy Snuka, what a nice ovation for Superfly here in New York"
MONSOON: "If you are watching this guy for the first time you should get used to seeing Superfly up on that top turnbuckle"
BRAIN: "Like I said Monsoon, I am sure Ted won't give him permission for take off"
MONSOON: "What's going on here?"
BRAIN: "Sportsmanship Monsoon, watch and learn!"
MONSOON: "Sportsmanship! It looks like to me DiBiase doesn't want any part of Superfly"
BRAIN: "That is not true, I think he realizes he can save themselves work, and save Jimmy from a beating, Knowing he is going to win anyway he's trying to help Jimmy out"
MONSOON: "This is ridiculous and insulting to Jimmy Snuka"
BRAIN: "You would say that but Monsoon on your head be it when Ted beats some sense into him"
MONSOON: "There you go! Ted's got his answer and Snuka came here to fight"
BRAIN: "It's a good offer Monsoon, Jimmy Snuka doesn't even have the skill set to be in a match with DiBiase"
MONSOON: "Well I'll tell you Brain I think this is absurd, the crowd aren't buying Ted's offer and i don't think Superfly is convinced either"
BRAIN: "Jimmy made a snap decision, but DiBiase won't let him off lightly if he refuses a second time"
MONSOON: "Oh lookout... Jimmy with his back turned"
MONSOON: "Oh a cheapshot by DiBiase"

BRAIN: "Cheapshot? No Monsoon, Jimmy had his chance and he didn't take the payoff remember? You said Superfly should fight so he's going to fight"

MONSOON: "He made sure Superfly had his back turned before he hit him"
BRAIN: "Ted can't help it if his opponent is stupid"
MONSOON: "Superfly falls to the outside"
14 (2)
MONSOON: "Oh DiBiase now hits him with an Ax-Handle"
BRAIN: "Two times DiBiase offered the money Monsoon and now DiBiase is doing what you and Jimmy both wanted you don't like it?"

MONSOON: "Listen to the fans Brain? they all saw DiBiase cheapshot Snuka when he had his back turned"
BRAIN: "Fans don't like it? Tough, they are just as much to blame for Jimmy's beating as you are Monsoon"
MONSOON: "DiBiase slams Superfly on the concrete floor, that surface is very unforgiving"

BRAIN: "He's a champion, all this booing won't bother him, they can boo DiBiase all they want because I know, and he knows that he's a winner!"
MONSOON: "DiBiase throws Superfly back inside"
MONSOON: "Elbow drop by DiBiase finds the mark"
BRAIN: "That's all she wrote!"
MONSOON: "Give me a break"

BRAIN: "Million Dollar Punch... Million Dollar Champion!"
BRAIN: "One Two Three. Might as well give him the belt now Monsoon"

MONSOON: "Million Dollar Man picks up the win here but i have to tell you I'm not impressed"
BRAIN: "Not impressed? that's the quickest I've seen anyone get pinned at this tournament!"

MONSOON: "He isn't going to be able to do that to Andre the Giant though and I'm sure DiBiase will run out of tricks
soon enough, we'll be right back for our Main Event right after this commercial"

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MONSOON: "Okay Brain, here we go this one is our main event, who do you have winning this?"
BRAIN: "Monsoon would you look at the size of Andre the Giant, as aggressive and hostile as Jim Duggan is, I don't think he can beat Andre"
MONSOON: "Look at the size of his hands, you don't want to get clobbered by those"
BRAIN: "It says something Monsoon when Hacksaw is going to be the agile one out of these two"
MONSOON: "Woah a close up here of Andre and look at that impressive cranium"
BRAIN: "I can't even see Duggan outsmarting Andre here can you?"

MONSOON: "Andre maybe big but he isn't stupid he is very well versed and knows his way around the ring"
 MONSOON: "Oh and here comes Jim Duggan! listen to this reception here in Hacksaw's home town, they are all on their feet here for Hacksaw Jim Duggan!"
MONSOON: "Duggan has plenty of support for this one from his home town.. Andre keeping his eye on Hacksaw he doesn't want to get hit with that two by four"

BRAIN: "Duggan has the support and at six three he's a big boy but he's going up against a giant, only going to be one winner here Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Brain at this point even with the support it is difficult to see how Duggan will get past Andre but I guarantee you that Jim Duggan will give it his all"
MONSOON: "These two stare down in the center of the ring and you can see the size difference already"

BRAIN: "Monsoon, I can't wait for next week's show. We'll have Ravishing Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Big Boss Man, Dusty Rhodes, Macho Man, Demolition, Million Dollar Man and Andre the Giant it's going to be huge!"

MONSOON: "It doesn't get any better than that Brain but first Andre has to pin Hacksaw in order to advance.. there's the bell" 
MONSOON: "This one is underway here and they begin with a lock up"
MONSOON: "Oh and look at the awesome strength by Andre, he just pushed Duggan into the corner"

BRAIN: "Now that is power Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Andre out powers Duggan again and throws him down to the canvas"
MONSOON: "Duggan locks up again with Andre"
BRAIN: "He isn't going to out power Andre"
MONSOON: "Andre wins again, he sends Duggan off the ropes"
MONSOON: "Oh Duggan clobbers Andre... but Andre barely moved"
BRAIN: "It's going to take more than that"
MONSOON: "Duggan hits him again and still Andre won't go down!"
MONSOON: "Duggan off the ropes.."
MONSOON: "Oh look at that a big clubbing hand by Andre and that stopped all of Duggan's momentum"

BRAIN: "You gotta hand it to him, Hahaa! See what i did there Monsoon"
MONSOON: "Duggan on the canvas, i'll tell you when Andre hits you like that it's like being hit with a jackhammer" 
MONSOON: "Andre clubs Duggan to the back this time"

BRAIN: "that hit by Andre sapped all the energy out of Duggan, Andre now has complete control of the match"
MONSOON: "Absolutely Brain, Duggan here on the ropes"
MONSOON: "Andre uses that huge giant headbutt"

BRAIN: "It's been a good effort by Duggan but it's only a matter of time now Monsoon"
MONSOON: "You're talking like it's over Brain?"

BRAIN: "It pretty much is Monsoon, if one hit from Andre does that much damage how long is Duggan going to last? it really is only a matter of time"

MONSOON: "Well for me I tell ya, he still has to get Hacksaw with a Pinfall first"
MONSOON: "Andre grabs Duggan, now what's he going to do with him?"
MONSOON: "Oh Duggan powers out of the hold"
MONSOON: "Still some fight left in Duggan and a big right!"
MONSOON: "Now with a clothesline as Duggan builds some momentum here!"

BRAIN: "the Giant is rocking but still not down!"
MONSOON: "Duggan off the ropes.."
MONSOON: "Shoulder tackle by Duggan!"

BRAIN: "Andre is still on his feet Monsoon!"
MONSOON: "Duggan off the ropes.."
MONSOON: "Oh Andre lifts him up..."
MONSOON: "Oh Andre just dropped him right onto that third rope"

BRAIN: "Amazing power by Andre and Duggan could be seriously hurt after that"
MONSOON: "Andre sets Duggan up..."
MONSOON: "and a big clothesline on Duggan"

BRAIN: "You have to give it to Andre he has imposed himself and his size on Duggan"

MONSOON: "It's going to be difficult for Duggan to fight his way out of this"
MONSOON: "Andre with a cover on Duggan... two count only"
MONSOON: "Now with a giant headbutt smash!"

BRAIN: "We could get a stoppage Monsoon, this is a real beating that Duggan is taking and we know he has a lot of heart but what if he is beaten senseless?"
MONSOON: "Oh this could be it right here.. one.. two.."

BRAIN: "Does he have him?"
MONSOON: "No! Duggan kicks out at the last second.. Andre gets to the ropes"

BRAIN: "I don't believe it Monsoon!"
MONSOON: "ut oh lookout Duggan reaching for the two by four"
BRAIN: "Oh no!"
MONSOON: "Duggan has had enough!"
MONSOON: "Duggan just nailed Andre with that equalizer right across the back and listen to the Giant scream out in pain!"

BRAIN: "He should be disqualified! the referee is calling for the bell!"
MONSOON: "There it is a disqualification for Jim Duggan!"

BRAIN: "It is the right call, I think Andre would of made him submit or pinned him anyway"
MONSOON: "Duggan obviously frustrated then snapped and wouldn't allow a pin-fall against him here, the Hometown are supporting Duggan in spite of the call"

BRAIN: "Right Monsoon, that was the final match of the first round, tell the humanoids watching at home what's on next weeks show"
MONSOON: "Andre leaving here a winner and will go on next week to face Million Dollar Man, we'll alsohave Big Boss Man versus Smash, Hulk Hogan versus Rick Rude and Macho Man versus Dusty Rhodes all on next weeks show, so long everybody this is me Gorilla Monsoon saying goodnight for Bobby the Brain Heenan, see you next week on Wrestling Superstars!"